Argia Vol. 32 No. 1 is Available for Download

Argia Vol. 32 No. 1 is Available for Download

The latest issue of Argia, newly redesigned, is now available for download from the DSA website. Among this issue's 30 pages you will find: news about the amazing overhaul of Odonata Central, reports from DSA officers, accounts of the surprising odonate diversity in Oklahoma, DSA meeting updates, stellar photography, and other adventures in Odonata. DSA members can log in to download the issue.

Please note: This issue's articles were written before most of us came to realize the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic. We're advising DSA members to watch the website's News feed, and the DSA's Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram for updates on meetings and other DSA events. In the meantime, please be aware, cautious, responsible, and safe.

President, Dragonfly Society of the Americas
