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Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera) 20190712_3686.jpg

Membership Benefits

Membership in DSA is open to anyone in any country. Your fees help us advance the discovery, conservation and knowledge of Odonata. Annual benefits include:

- Electronic subscriptions to the DSA’s quarterly news magazine, Argia, and to our peer-reviewed scientific journal, the Bulletin of American Odonatology (BAO).

- Full access to the DSA website, including archived editions of Argia and BAO.

- Fee discounts at DSA annual meetings (members $35, non-members $50).

- Eligibility to vote in DSA elections and to run for a seat on the DSA Executive Committee.

- Eligibility to apply for our grants program to fund research and help offset meeting fees.

If you are interested in becoming a member click here to join.

Odonate Research Grant Program

Grant Description

The DSA Odonate Research Grant Program awards small grants (up to $1000) to help pay expenses for odonate research in the DSA focal region (New World). Last year, three awards were made; please see ARGIA Vol. 32, No. 2, p. 1 (March 2020) for more information. A committee (Nancy McIntyre [chair], Steve Collins, Chris Hill, Buck Snelson) will evaluate grant proposals for 2025 on the basis of scientific importance, feasibility, and clarity.

Instructions on how to apply are found in the members area.

Please consider donating to support the DSA Odonate Research Grant Program!

Donate Now


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

A. Any member of DSA is eligible! (In previous years, grants were restricted to U.S. residents; we now are able to extend grants to non-U.S. members. DSA will use Paypal and cover the modest international payment transfer fee.)


Q. New for 2021: What makes for a successful proposal?

A. Past grants that have received funding have had a compelling argument about the broad importance of the proposed work, clearly articulated objectives, and a plan of work that was appropriate towards meeting those objectives. For applicants for whom English is not their native language, we strongly suggest having your proposal proof-read prior to submitting it. As of last year, we provide feedback to each proposal that was not recommended for funding.


Q. Can a person who has received a DSA grant in the past be eligible in the future?

A. Yes, recipients can receive multiple grants as long as the obligations outlined below are met for each grant.


Q. How much can be requested, and how many grants will be awarded?

A. The maximum amount that can be requested is US $1000. We will dispense no more than $3000/year, so the number of awards each year will depend on the number of meritorious proposals received and the amounts requested by those proposals.


Q. How will the funds be awarded, and are there any restrictions on what can be covered?

A. Awards will be made by Paypal. Because DSA is a non-profit organization, awards cannot be used for salary (can only be used for travel, services, supplies, or equipment).


Q. What obligations are associated with receiving a grant?

A. Awardees must submit a progress report to the DSA Executive Committee within two years of the grant award; failure to do so will render the recipient ineligible for any future DSA grants. Awardees are strongly encouraged to give a presentation at a DSA meeting or submit a paper to ARGIA or the Bulletin of Odonatology within two years of project completion.


Q. How can I donate to the DSA Odonate Research Grant Program?

A. Please contact the DSA Treasurer at Thank you for your support of this program, which is made possible by donations from our members!

Past Recipients


Hartman, M.E. Diet assessment of Odonata in Maryland agroecosystems using next generation sequencing.

Hoyos Blanco, A., C.F. Valencia, C.A. Bota Sierra. Demography, polymorphism and natural history of Mesamphiagrion gaudiimontanum (Coenagrionidae) in the Santa Inés Páramo complex (Colombia).

Silva dos Anjos, C., and A. Parise Pinto. Taxonomic revision of South American dragonfly genus Elga Ris, 1909 (Odonata: Libellulidae).


Distribution and habitat use of black petaltail in the West Cascades of the Umpqua River Basin, Douglas County, Oregon (M.G. Hunter), $950.

An investigation of the phenology and life-history strategies of Aeshna canadensis (Canada darner) dragonflies (E. Schilling, M. Crews-Erjavec, and H. Kundel), $1000.


Can, Y., and J.C. Abbott. Assessing rate of DNA degradation in a stream ecosystem for detecting environmental DNA. $970.

Deviche, P., and R. Garrison. Characterization of an undescribed Arizona Argia taxon. $978.

Sanchez-Herrera, M., and C. Beatty. Life history traits, behavior and morphology of the waterfall-dwelling damselfly nymphs of Polythoridae. $969.

Tennessen, K.J., T. Vogt, R. Glotzhober, R. Connors, and W.A. Smith. Field surveys for an unknown dragonfly in Tennessee. $1000.

 Nick & Ailsa Donnelly Fellowship

The Nick and Ailsa Donnelly fellowship promotes and facilitates the attendance of colleagues to DSA annual meetings by paying up to $1,000 per awardee for travel and travel-related expenses. Preference is given to Latin American colleagues and students. More than one award may be given per year at the discretion of a committee made up of members of the DSA Executive Council. Funds in the fellowship that are not awarded for travel may be used for research, educational, and outreach activities that have as their primary purpose promoting the knowledge of Odonata of the New World. Preference is given to graduate students conducting odonate research. The committee will accept applications for travel and research grants and make awards based on merit and potential for successful research leading to publication. Awardees of a travel grant must make a presentation at the annual DSA meeting, and awardees of a research grant will be encouraged to present their findings at a DSA annual meeting and to publish in a peer-reviewed journal such as the Bulletin of American Odonatology.

If you would like to apply, please send an email to Rodolfo Novelo Gutiérrez, with the title and abstract of your talk or poster, a brief statement indicating your financial need, and a CV or resume. Deadline for each year is April 1, unless otherwise stated. Other members of the selection committee include Marion Dobbs and Colin Jones.

Past Recipients

2009 - Jason Bried & Richard Groover
2012 - Fredy Palacino
2014 - Tim Vogt
2015 - Kristen Numata & Jason Bried
2016 - Emily Sandall

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Spreadwing Damselfly (Lestes tikalus) - pair ovipositing
Belize: Cayo District